Insurance Billing

Health Insurance Information

Skipped Parts, LLC. accepts insurance for treatment/therapy services. We do not accept/bill insurance for psychosexual assessments. 

We do not accept Medicare. 

It is a client's responsibility to make sure that Skipped Parts, LLC. has their accurate, up-to-date insurance information. 

Client's must provide Skipped Parts, LLC. with their insurance information before their intake session can be scheduled. We will verify your insurance benefits ahead of your scheduled intake appointment. 

Clients are expected to contact their insurance company for questions that they have about their insurance or their insurance coverage. Skipped Parts, LLC. does not contact health insurance companies on a client's behalf for purposes outside of billing. 

If there are lapses in insurance coverage, clients may be billed privately. We are only able to back bill three months. Outside of that range, clients will need to pay for services out-of-pocket and then communicate separately with their insurance company about submitting for reimbursement. Invoices/receipts are available for payments made via the client portal. 

Skipped Parts, LLC. is not a Medicare provider and does not plan to become one. We do not accept Medicare. If clients have Medicare and secondary insurance coverage, clients must request a letter from Medicare stating that Medicare will waive coverage, so that claims can be submitted to a client's secondary insurance provider. To date, the only insurance company who has made such an arrangement with Skipped Parts, LLC. is South Country Health Alliance. Skipped Parts, LLC. will not do any coordinating, communicating, or requesting directly to Medicare. 

What is a copay? Do I have to pay it?

Yes. A copayment, or copay, is a predetermined rate you pay for services at the time of care. Skipped Parts, LLC. does not set your copay rate. This is an agreement you have made with your insurance company when you selected your plan. Skipped Parts, LLC. requires that clients have a debit/credit card on file so that our Office Manager can process your copay. 

What is a deductible? Do I have to pay it?

Yes. This is the amount of money that a client has to pay out of pocket every year before insurance will begin to pay for services. The size of a client's deductible varies depending on their health insurance plan. Generally, the higher the monthly premium for insurance, the lower the deductible.