Make a Referral

If you are a professional looking to make a referral, you are in the right spot!

We do not accept Medicare, even if a client on Medicare has secondary insurance. 

We have a limited number of spots for the Department of Corrections (DOC) grant. 

Please find our referral form below. 

Completed forms can be sent to

For more information about referrals, please see the dropdowns below. 

Are you a probation/parole officer looking to refer a client for treatment?

Please fill out our referral form and submit it to   

Clients will first be scheduled for an intake appointment. 

For adult sex offense specific treatment clients, they will be placed in our Treatment Readiness group after their intake session. This is our extended orientation group. The group lasts for 8 weeks, after which clients are placed in their primary group and with their primary therapist. 

For adolescent sex offense specific treatment clients, they will be placed with their primary therapist following their intake session. When appropriate or clinically indicated, adolescent clients are placed in our adolescent treatment group. 

For low-risk clients who do not need group, they will be placed with their primary therapist following their intake session. 

Please send other available information along with the completed referral form: Complaint, pre-sentence investigation (PSI), psychosexual assessment/evaluation (PSE), list of conditions, or any other available documentation. 

Probation/parole officers can expect to be invited to quarterly progress meetings with clients. We complete quarterlies in March, June, September, and December (there may be some slight variability depending on availability). 

Are you an attorney looking to refer a client for treatment?

Please fill out our referral form and submit it to

Clients will first be scheduled for an intake appointment

If clients are pre-plea or pre-sentencing, we have decided as an agency to see these clients in individual sessions only. Therefore, these clients will not be eligible to participate in our treatment groups until they have been sentenced. We still target risk and protective factors in our individual work with clients who are pre-plea and pre-sentencing, but recognize that clients' comfort level with self-disclosure and transparency whilst their legal proceedings remain unresolved is (understandably) impaired. We also do not want clients to be put in a position to incriminate themselves or go against the legal advice they have been given.

At the time of referral, please send other available information along with the completed referral form: Complaint, police reports, psychosexual assessment/evaluation (PSE), or any other available documentation. 

Are you another mental health provider looking to refer a client?

Please fill out our referral form and submit it to  

Clients will first be scheduled for their intake appointment. 

It will be helpful for us to have a clear understanding of the reason for referral. Specifically, we would like to know if the client will continue to receive mental health services from you in addition to the services provided at Skipped Parts, LLC. Many of the things clients address in other therapy are relevant to their work at Skipped Parts, LLC. and we want to be sure we are providing services ethically and not doing double duty. Clinical staff at Skipped Parts, LLC. are firstly trained as mental health therapists/counselors, with the additional training, experience, and specialization of providing sex offense specific treatment and working with individuals who have sexually harmed. If the client will continue to receive services at both places, we will request the client sign a release of information (ROI) so we can coordinate their care. There have been cases where working with both providers has seemed beneficial and there have been cases where it has been most appropriate for the client to discontinue other services while at Skipped Parts, LLC. In collaboration with the client, we can reach a decision together. 

There may be times when someone's mental health status is contributing to their instability to such a degree that adding additional services at Skipped Parts, LLC. is likely contraindicated. This work requires insight, self-disclosure, and a willingness to talk about topics that are uncomfortable and/or difficult. A certain degree of stability is required in order for clients to be best equipped to address their sex offense specific treatment needs to adequately mitigate their risk for future offending. 

At the time of referral, please send other available information along with the completed referral form: Intake/diagnostic assessment, treatment plan(s), progress notes or progress summaries, or other available clinical documentation. 

Are you looking to refer someone for therapy and not treatment?

Please fill out our referral form and submit it to  

Clients will first be scheduled for their intake appointment. This will either be with our Intake Coordinator or with the assigned therapist. 

We do on not exclusively work with clients who are referred to us for treatment. We also work more generally with people who are not justice involved but who may have some problematic sexual behaviors and relationship or sexuality concerns. We love doing primary prevention work and helping people before they act out, have harmed someone, and are involved in the legal system. We also work with people who have previously completed sex offense specific treatment, but have completed and are no longer required to do so, but who might benefit from seeing a therapist who has some specialization in this area.  

Are you looking to refer someone for therapy who is a loved one of someone who has offended?

Please fill out our referral form and submit it to  

Clients will first be scheduled for their intake appointment. This will either be with our Intake Coordinator or with the assigned therapist. 

This is an underserved population. There are many people who are impacted by sexual violence who need support and may benefit from therapy. If you would like to refer someone who is the loved one of someone who has committed a sexual offense or who are otherwise impacted by sexual violence. 

We have had cases where a client who is seeing us for sex offense specific treatment has a partner or loved one who would like to receive therapy services from us. In this case, we make sure that each client is seen by a different therapist at our agency.